The Path Is Prepared


Another great week!!

I had my first baptism! Sweet Rafaela (she´s adorable, 14, I love the poop out of her) was baptized last Wednesday at the beach!! It was sooo cool! I felt SO happy for her, she was glowing. it was glorious. (she gave me a pair of earrings, my heart felt like a toasty marshmallow).

We've been teaching a lot! I feel like I can´t help very much since I'm still working on understanding people when they talk a thousand miles a minute, but i usually pray and can give my testimony where it´s needed so that´s pretty cool. 

Every Thursday our branch has an English class aaaand guess who´s the teacher?? (*hint: she´s really good looking and loves slurpees) It´s pretty awesome! I love it!

In other news, there´s a papaya tree at the church building... and i climbed it and harvested this bad boy :) It wasn't ripe yet, but I have high hopes for the next one!

We found a dog and named her Sally. We´re best friends. She follows us around while we´re proselyting.

There´s always this stray dog outside the house of one of our investigators. He looks about an inch away from death so I've appropriately named him Quase-Morto (which means almost dead in Portuguese).

We live across from a Brazilian bakery which is probably the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. How can you have a bad day when you´re kicking it off with a sonho(wonderful Brazilian donut)?

I started reading Jesus the Christ this week and it´s probably the greatest thing I've ever done! Seriously. I´m only on like page 35, but it´s SO GOOD. Go read it. now.

I was thinking a lot this week about Lehi's dream (see 1 Nephi 8). it is so cool! The path is already prepared for us to eternal life. We just have to follow the path, keep the commandments the Father has given us, and endure to the end, and we can make it to eternal rest and joy. We must cling to the staff of our loving Shepherd (#theironrod), rely on Him to lead us and comfort us along the way, and he will be there when we make it to the end to praise us and rejoice with us.

Scripture for the week Doctrine & Covenants 88:63

Brazil doesn't do Halloween (porque, Brazil?) so we´re having our own Halloween today :) Sister Rivero and I are going to dress up as cows since there are cows every 2 feet in Paracurú. Sister Corell and Sister Moura have agreed to let me knock on their bedroom door to trick or treat. It should be a party.

Also I held a parakeet.


Have a great week!

Love from Brazil, 

Sister Chamberlain